Are you experiencing aches and pains which cannot be explained but certainly limit you in your daily life?

Is that injury from 10 years ago, still witholding you from living life the way you want?

Are you on pain medication daily but would you like to quit and live pain-free?

Does your body lack vitality and overall wellness?

Body Stress Release (BSR) is a well-established complementary health technique, that aims at releasing stored tension from the body, thereby activating the process that restores and regenerates the communication in the body.

We are all subjected to the stresses of living and therefore we all tend to accumulate stored tension, with a possible resultant decline in the body’s efficiency. This because locked in tension influences our nervous system, which in turn influences the functioning of our organs and therewith our whole body. As a BSR practitioner, I make use of the information I get from the body itself, in order to release the stress in it.

BSR is suitable for all ages and all levels of health and profession – even for babies who may have body stress after a traumatic birth or a challenging pregnancy. It ultimately aims to restore nerve communication. It is a gentle and effective technique that welcomes back your self-healing abilities into your life. The technique exists of gentle impulses, that will go through your clothing, with an impact on your body. By attending regular Body Stress Release maintenance sessions the body is able to maintain a happy equilibrium and your overall quality of life may be enhanced.

Body stress is locked up tension in the body. Release is to let go of these stresses. Body Stress can be caused by three different types of stress and will have a huge influence on your muscles, nerves, organs and thus your overall wellbeing. At first you might not notice, but all of a sudden it starts creeping up on you. Your quality of sleep decreases, you notice digestion problems, maybe a sore lower back, neck or shoulders, followed by headaches. Body Stress Release tests for stress lines in your muscles, followed by a series of releases.
Find out more about how Body Stress Release works so you can give it a try as well!

The body leads the way to freedom